Dr. John C Gutleber's
Weight Loss, Beauty & Family Practice
HCG Diet Injections
This diet is a quick, but safe weight loss solution
You may only consume 500 calories per day.
Our office provides you with a weekly supply of injections you self administer daily at home.
This is a six week long program. You must comply with the six weeks to see results.
Patients typically loose anywhere from 30-40 pounds during the six weeks.
We provide a diet program, with foods you can and can not eat.
Lipo Injection
Weekly injection administered in office
You can choose to take it alone
For maximum result with the other diets offered
Contains six different B Vitamins and three different amino acids as well as vitamin C
This shot stays in your system for about a week
Prices as Follows:
$25 per injection
$45 for Phentermine Diet with injection
$85 for HCG with injection
Priced as Follows:
$35 per week (pills alone)
Prices as Follows:
$35 per injection
$60 for Phentermine Diet with injection
$100 for HCG with injection
Phentermine Diet
This is a diet pill that you take once a day, to suppress your appetite
You come in on a weekly basis to weigh in and discuss your diet
The pills come with a diuretic pill as well to accompany your weight loss
You may also choose from three different injections we offer to accompany the pills each week (see below)
Priced as Follows:
$10 per injection
Basic Injection
Weekly injection administered in office
This injection is anything but basic
It is packed with Vitamin B-12 for tons of energy
Contains an amino acid for burning calories
Also assist in preventing excess fat buildup in the liver and body
Dietary Supplements
* Brazilian Trim: Fat Burning, Appetite Suppression, Energy, Speeds Metabolism, Blocks Fat ($30 month supply)
* Therma Trim: Fat Burning, Appetite Suppression, Energy, Great to use when exercising ($30 month supply)
* Super Fat Burner: Natural Fat Burner and Energy ($15 month supply)
* Sleep Complex: Helps with sleeplessness ($30 month supply)